Frequently Asked Questions
- The truth behind Online Speed Tests
- How to make the most of the Cool Image Magnifier app
- Can you add a tip below the big product images that says 'Click to Enlarge' or something similar?
- Cool Image Magnifier compatibility with mobile image slider
- Is my customer data protected? What about GDPR or CCPA?
- Why is the loupe on mobile centered? My finger blocks it
- How does the zoom work on mobile?
- Understanding the different warning messages from GTmetrix speed report
- Can I enable the magnifier on top of the lightbox effect?
- Understanding the different warning messages from PageSpeed Insights speed report
- How can I exclude an image from zooming?
- Can I enable the app only for some products or collections?
- Can the Cool Image Magnifier app work on non-product pages?
- How do I install Cool Image Magnifier on my store?
- Can I disable the magnifying glass and keep only the lightbox effect?
- Does Cool Image Magnifier works with multiple images?
- Will Cool Image Magnifier slow down my page loading times?
- Can I have different settings for mobile and desktop views?
- Does Cool Image Magnifier alter the size or resolution of my images?
- How do I control the size of the zoomed in image?