Cool Image Magnifier compatibility with mobile image slider

Some themes feature an image slider in order to display the images on mobile devices.

On mobile devices, the only way to enable the zoom is to touch the image and drag the magnifier around. Unfortunately, the Cool Image Magnifier app and some image sliders use these same mobile gestures to trigger their action, which makes them incompatible to some extent.  

The reason is that this type of event is the same as the one used to swipe through the images. When you move your finger over the screen, the device has no way to know if you want to zoom in or to switch to another image because the gesture is the same for both effects.

However, there are a couple of workarounds to avoid these issues.

First, you can always use the very left side and right side of the images to switch images, because the loupe effect is only triggered on the center of the image.

Second, many sliders have some icons under the product images for the users to cycle between the images:

Optionally, if you prefer to maintain the swipe action to switch images, you can disable the zoom for mobile devices only on your preferences page ( Zoom preferences):

That way your image slider will work as before.

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