How can I change the size of the zoomed image?

Why would I need to display smaller images?

Although Shopify establishes an upper limit for the image size (up to 4472px by 4472px, or 20 megapixels), that could take long to download depending on the computer capabilities and network factors.

While the images are being loaded, Full Page Zoom remains unresponsive and (optionally) displays a loading cursor over the original image. The screenshot below shows the cursor highlighted.

The zoomed images are loaded in the background, so the loading process should not have a huge impact on the performance, but it varies from store to store and depends on other apps competing for browser resources.

How can the app help me to control the size of the zoomed image?

You can limit the size to the zoomed image to balance the image size and the loading time.

The app allows you to choose among 4 options to limit the Zoomed image size ( Zoom preferences):

There is no rule of thumb for choosing one option or another, so we suggest trying all of them to find out the most convenient size for your product images.

On the other hand, if the product images are tiny and, as a consequence, the zoomed images are blurry, the app can display the zoomed image preserving its original size. Just check the option Limit zoom to original size ( Overlay preferences):

The zoomed image will be displayed centered on the screen in its original size, and it may or may not fill the whole screen, depending on its size.

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